
All business activities of Royal Reesink have an impact on the environment. This impact is kept as low as possible.

Which is achieved as follows:
• Responsible use of the necessary raw materials;
• The use of materials with a lower impact on the environment;
• Responsible use of the necessary hazardous substances;
• Conscious management and limitation of waste flows;
• Being open to alternative energy sources such as solar energy, hydrogen and nuclear energy.

Royal Reesink operates according to an environmental and management system that complies with the international ISO 14064-1 2012 and ISO 50001 standards. We have recorded this intention in a statement of intent.

At Royal Reesink, employees also play a role in reducing CO2. To make everyone at Royal Reesink aware, to involve them and encourage them to act in a way that helps to reduce CO2 levels, we have come up with an action plan: COyou2.

Our goal for 2030 (based on 2014):
20% less energy waste
Reduce CO2 emmision to a minimum of at least 49%
At least 50% renewable energy

We want to achieve this by:
• Using solar panels;
• Using more economic systems, better insulation and LED lighting;
• Expanding our purchase of green energy;
• Reducing the CO2 emissions of our fleet, our mobility;
• The lease car policy has to comply with the best energy labels;
• Creating online conferencing options, thus reducing travelling;
• Recycling more through an alternative waste-processing method;
• Optimising the climate control system.

Information about this process, the objectives and a detailed explanation of what we are doing to achieve this, can be found in our energy management action plan. This is available here