Royal Reesink discontinues Reesink Production B.V.

Royal Reesink today announced that the operations of Reesink Production B.V., mainly active under the brandname KAWECO, will be discontinued per 31 December 2024. As a result of Royal Reesink’s increased focus on distribution and service of machines, the production of machines is no longer part of its core activities.
The operation has been loss-making, with the current conditions in the market for agricultural machinery production further negatively affecting results. With insufficient prospects for improvement, Royal Reesink was unable to find a buyer for Reesink Production. A discontinuation of Reesink Production’s operations was therefore the only responsible route.
As one of Royal Reesink’s 40 operating companies, Reesink Production is mainly focused on the production and distribution of KAWECO machines. Reesink Production has one production location in the Netherlands. Royal Reesink's core businesses are financially stable, with solid prospects. This step allows Royal Reesink to focus on a healthy future for its core activities. Royal Reesink would like to thank its dedicated employees, customers and business partners, all of whom have supported Reesink Production over the years.