
Changes within Senior Management Royal Reesink

Changes within Senior Management Royal Reesink

Royal Reesink announced today that Boris Schoepplein has stepped down as CEO of Royal Reesink. Thanks to his expertise and broad professional background, Boris Schoepplein contributed significantly to Royal Reesink’s strong profitable growth. The Supervisory Board thanks Boris Schoepplein for his accomplishments during his tenure as CEO and wishes him all the best in his professional and personal endeavours.

Until a successor is appointed Michiel Jaski, acting chairman of the Supervisory Board, will be supporting a newly formed Executive Committee (ExCo) in which Rogier van der Linde will take up the role of deputy CEO.

Besides Rogier van der Linde, who will also continue to lead Material Handling, the ExCo consists of Maaike Schipperheijn (CFO), Marije Janssen (General Counsel), Thierry Panadero (Agriculture & Turfcare) and Jannes Bouman (Construction & Industries).

The ExCo brings complimentary skillsets that together create a powerful combination of operational, financial, and industry expertise. As valuable members of senior management since joining Royal Reesink, the committee’s perspectives and leadership have been instrumental in navigating Royal Reesink’s vision for profitable growth.

About Royal Reesink
Royal Reesink is market leader as an international distributor and service provider in the field of high-quality machinery, parts and services for landscape maintenance, internal transport, warehouse design, civil engineering, and the agricultural sector. Hendrik Reesink started his one-man business in Zutphen in 1786, since we have grown and have now over 2,500 employees and dozens of subsidiaries around the world.
