
Falk Seidenfaden Vice President Reesink Parts & Services

Falk Seidenfaden Vice President Reesink Parts & Services

As per 1 February 2022 Falk Seidenfaden started as Vice President for Reesink Parts & Services. He will put a strong focus on professionalizing and significantly increasing the parts & services business group-wide.

Mr. Seidenfaden will be working on standardizing and professionalizing the operational day-to-day business across the various parts & services processes in Royal Reesink’s different distribution and retail operating companies. The objective is to enhance operational- and commercial performance of the parts & services business in terms of internal efficiency, customer service performance and business growth.

Falk joins Royal Reesink from AGCO, where he in his last role was in charge of the Parts & Technical Service support of their harvesting business. He brings with him 20+ years of parts & technical service experience, managing an industry leading aftermarket support in different machinery equipment industries and the practical, hands-on experience implementing parts and service strategies from an OEM- and dealer perspective with clear focus on customer service improvement and machine downtime reduction. Boris Schoepplein, CEO Royal Reesink: “The appointment of the highly experienced Falk Seidenfaden is another step forward toward achieving our ambitious business goals. We are very delighted that he is joining Royal Reesink.”
